Digital Marketing & Tech Stack For Fledgling Entrepreneurs.
Startup Execution Made Simple.
Accomplish more in less time with @LightSpeed.

Entrepreneurship is unpredictable. Startups are risky. Day One in becoming an entrepreneur is accepting you’ll have setbacks & failures, accepting all your struggles and letting them empower you. Learned experiences are your superpower. Day One is NOW!

The key is turning a profit as quickly as possible. Starting small at first. A well crafted business purpose drives how quickly you’ll become more profitable. Your business’ purpose should therefore be front-of-mind. With a plan to make a profit from the get go. In entrepreneurship you are learning the hard way until you succeed or you’re transitioning back to being an employee. The latter is the unfortunate majority.

This dilemma is what most fledgling entrepreneurs find themselves in. Even those experienced in startups. The solution to this dilemma is a structured flight-plan and enabling tools that gets you customer facing producing valuable content to build an audience and following. Speed is of the essence to becoming profitable quickly.

Let Speed Be An Advantage. Be Open For Business in Less Than 30 DAYS, Not MONTHS. Not YEARS even! Efficient speed to market reduces costs. You need to know how much money you’ll need to reach breakeven even before you launch.

There are many how-to’s to consider. Unburden Yourself with the HOW. Let @LIGHTSPEED handle HOW. This let’s you take care of yourself which let’s your business get better too. Putting your business before yourself does not have a happy ending.

Your One Day is NOW. Less Thinking, More Doing. Thinking doesn’t generate cash flow. Content Creation & Engagement that resonates your purpose builds trust. That’s where your startup begins. By focusing on that NOW. Please don’t fill your time with trivial stuff that expands when you’ll think you’ll be ready. @LightSpeed says you are ready NOW. You can do so much more than you think you can do.

@LightSpeed platform has all you need to build Your Startup, Digital Store, Digital Agency, or any other online business even while you work your normal day job. We work the hard labor hours it takes to launch and work with you towards you making your first $$$ online as fast as possible. You let us know how fast you want to go. However, first we have a Discovery Call to discuss viability

We use our Happy Path Flight Plan to complete the Meaningful Actionable Transition Milestones. Transitioning you from NOW to your Happy Place. We make building a business fun learning experience.

This Flight Plan is your Golden Ticket to reaching your Ultimate Goal the Smart Simple Predictable Way.

Graphic illustrating a "successful journey flight plan" from current state represented by a caged bird to a desired future state symbolized by a free bird, linked by steps labeled with milestones.

@LightSpeed is your copilot to starting up your dream and marketing it to achieve your vision.

fancy gimmicks, NO “buy this next course to learn more.” NO Magic Tricks. NO BS Hacks. Just a commonsense formula that’s tried and true. With a dash of AI to make things move even FASTER!

Go from idea to execution faster and with expected outcomes. Today you need to be data-driven in your decision making. We have you covered.

Don’t sweat if you don’t have an idea we can start from there together to find one, @LightSpeed has a magic formula for that too.

Start small, start fast, and don’t worrying about what you don’t know. You will become experienced in leaps & bounds with our approach. Start by Jumping Onboard, Get Started & Learn, Adapt, Accelerate & Take Off!

If you haven’t already explore our Happy Path Flight Plan steps that’ll give you an idea of what we do. This is just the half of it.

Who Are You?

When you take action you see it through even with setbacks. You have a burning desire to get out of the “I’ll start tomorrow” trap. You see yourself becoming Independent to make the decisions when you want. You want to Participate to solve problems & help others. You want to keep Learning & never stop Growing. You have a Vision but you are struggling with the HOW, battling to gain momentum &/or burning time and money. Or just don’t know where to start. @LightSpeed has a bootstrap startup focus if you are self funding with either just yourself or with co-founders. We have a plan for your goals and needs. Let’s chat to understand if we fit.

Who Am I?

On to me so let me introduce myself. Hello! I’m Louis Ballington, the founder of @LightSpeed. I believe creating an online business shouldn’t be a confusing maze that’s time consuming and overly complicated. And can become costly quickly. Together we avoid all that mess that bogs startups in the early phases, often killing them off.

I’ve been a management consultant for 15 years in my previous life transforming businesses across all industries. So I am a business consultant & entrepreneur by nature. I had a passion project for 5 years dipping my toes in digital marketing to understand the customer mindset to sell online. I find it an exciting arena to play in and AI is now changing the game drastically. Exciting times.

With knowledge & experience gained. My own frustrations of the dilemmas I mentioned at the top of this page. I wanted to find common sense approach to build an authoritative online presence. By using tools that are simple to use & reliable without all the noise and hype.

Especially from those making the most noise on social media pushing their ‘wisdom’…and products. They have their audience & I’ve been there to when I first ventured into this arena. I found the majority to be ‘hot air’ and not my flavor of cool aid. Never Mind The Bollocks.

So I started @LightSpeed late 2023 with a back to basics approach, adopting agile/lean thinking and the power of AI. To meet the needs of fledgling entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, professionals, hobbyists, bloggers, vlogger, ‘hustlers’ & those just starting out to grow exponentially.

It Does Take Time & Effort, make no mistake about that. The key ingredient is being that person who always shows up. The Self Starter. And managing perfectionism, if you’re one, this bogs you down. I’m guilty of this too, needs to be managed. When you have a goal with a clear path to follow its easier to persevere. It helps you go the distance. Hence why the Happy Path Flight Plan has been mapped out.

To understand the Happy Path Flight Plan you can dip your feet by learning our methodology and completing the assignments provided at the end of the steps. It’s all there to fly solo, to DIY.

My value proposition is “I Serve You As A Guide So That You Save Yourself Time & Money in the Long-Run by Teaming Up with Me. I Set Up and Focus on the Back-end of Your Business. I provide Guidance with Each Step Along the Happy Path Flight Plan and keep You Accountable. While You Focus on the Front End Through Prospect & Customer Engagement, and Content Creation. Thereby Accelerating Your Development and Time To Market. All the while focusing on Data-Driven Decision Making.” Our free Discovery Call explains all this in more detail, feel free to have a chat with me, I look forward to chatting.

Together We Take Your Business Idea and Make it Fly. By Growing Your Online Presence with Simplified Solutions Specific to Achieving Your Ultimate Goal. If You Decide to Work with Me, We’ll Kick Off the Onboard with Your Idea (or find one) and tailor Your Strategic Intent.

An implementation of our Happy Path Flight Plan from start to finish will launch your new business into the stratosphere. Whilst keeping your costs at low-altitude.

Steps to Book our Quick ‘n Easy Are We A Good Fit Call & What To Expect.

Step 1 – Book a free 30-minute no obligation Good Fit Call using the link below. Only prep is for you to be ready to discuss your current state, idea if you have one, ultimate goal, your backstory and complete a 2 year profit focused budget.

Step 2 – Meetup in our call & after greetings we kickoff discussing your backstory, etc. From this info shared I’ll explain @LightSpeed mechanics, roles, expectations & where we could have a Good Fit. We’ll walk thru the Happy Path Flight Plan to see if it suits your goal, timeline & budget.

Step 3 – After the call you have a think if we’re a fit & this path is for you. If not, cool. If YES, get ready for takeoff. We’ll get to work bringing the Goose that Lays the Golden Eggs home.

Learning About the Happy Path Flight Plan

See How We Work Together To Master Each Of These Steps. Turning Your New Business Into An Asset. By Building the Business You Deserve.

Some of the brands we use

Black and white WordPress logo featuring a large letter "w" inside a circle

Key Aspects We Instill In You & Your Business

These 9 Aspects Will Define Your Business’ Success

  • Strategic Intent
  • Co-Create Possible Solutions
  • Ecosystem Enablement
  • Business Automation
  • Data-driven Decision Making
  • Marketing Optimization
  • Daily / Weekly Accountability
  • Continuous Value Creation
  • Retrospection & Reiterate

Have A Business Idea In Mind You Want To Start?

Jump into my calendar and book a no obligation call to discuss your idea and the best approach to bring it to life.

Your Business Startup Made Simple.

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