Power of Perseverance is the Mindset Needed for Success

Step 7: Perseverance Mindset

In Step 5, we looked at the Philosophy of Success which is being conscious about every decision you make between productive and non-productive activities in your day-to-day life. It is a frame of mind that is built on seven beliefs. In step 7, we’ll focus on the Perseverance Mindset is a key principle used in the Philosophy of Success. Learn why the Perseverance Mindset is key to your startup success and growth.

For those just joining us at this point, you can continue and learn about the perseverance mindset, but it’s worth starting at step 1, My Current State, to give you better context. And its the starting point of this adventure.

Let’s get started. In our Happy Path Flight Plan illustration, we are touching on Perseverance Mindset, now in orange and bold below.

Flowchart illustrating how to start Your Business by beginning with "The Current State" (a tree with a closed cage), moves along the "Flight Path" to transition into "The Desired Future State," ending at "Your Happy Place" (with birds flying free).

The world is full of challenges. Whether you’re trying to get into college, find your dream job, build your own business, or work your way up at your current company, challenges are inevitable.

The road to success is rarely linear and unending; it’s filled with ups and downs. Some days you have more confidence in yourself than others. Sometimes you might doubt your own abilities and other times you may feel like giving up.

Depending on what area of life we are talking about, there will always be hurdles to overcome. However, how we deal with these obstacles determines whether or not we’ll succeed in the long run.

There are so many inspirational stories of people who have triumphed over the odds through perseverance and dedication.

Perseverance is the ability to continue moving forward for extended periods of time in the face of hardship. It is the will to keep going even when it feels like everything is going wrong.

People with perseverance don’t give up or quit easily. They are able to remain focused on their goals and in particular their ultimate goal, no matter how difficult things get, and they find ways to keep moving forward no matter what.

It’s not easy to persevere, but it’s one of the most important skills you can develop if you want success in any area of life. It is very important when it comes to starting your own business. If you fail at something once and decide that means you’re a failure forever, that makes it much harder to succeed at anything again. Let’s look at the perseverance mindset in more depth.

Perseverance Mindset

Perseverance is sometimes confused with motivation, but the two are very different. Motivation is the initial push you need to get started on something, whereas perseverance is the ongoing commitment you need to keep going when things get difficult.

Motivation will get you off the couch and take your first jog. Perseverance will get you to your 50th jog and beyond. The difference between success and failure often comes down to how long you’re willing to push forward, rather than how much talent or skill you have.

Mindset is your self-perception and belief you hold about yourself, the world around you, and your life. This can include thoughts about what you expect from yourself, how you do things, and your core values. These determine your behavior, outlook, and mental attitude.

A perseverance mindset is one that believes that difficult times are temporary, and that hard work will lead to reward. People with this mindset believe in themselves and have confidence in their ability to succeed.

They also tend to take risks because they trust that what they’re doing will lead them closer to their goals. A perseverance mindset can help people work through adversity more quickly as well as stay motivated when they are faced with obstacles or challenges.

Think of it like a self-confidence booster! Building a perseverance mindset can make difficult times feel less challenging and more manageable.

With that in mind, here are some of the key traits of a perseverance mindset:

  1. A willingness to keep moving forward
  2. A belief that you have what it takes to succeed
  3. A belief that the outcome is worth the struggle
  4. An ability to deal with failure without letting it get you down
  5. An ability to learn from your mistakes
  6. An ability to bounce back from failure quickly
  7. An ability to bounce back from mistakes quickly
  8. An ability to bounce back from rejections quickly
  9. An ability to recognize when you need help

How to Develop the Mindset of a Perseverant

A perseverant has a mindset that relies on their ability to keep going. It’s a mindset that helps you bounce back from adversity and allows you to move forward despite the difficulties that may come.

The more you push yourself towards your short/medium term goals, the more you’ll realize how achievable they are. And with that how achievable your ultimate goal is. The people who reach the top are the people who are willing to keep going even when it’s hard. These are people who refuse to give up, no matter how difficult things get.

The more you practice perseverance, the easier it will be to persevere when the times get tough. Now that you know what it means to persevere, it’s time to put in the work necessary to develop the mindset of a perseverant person.

To develop this mindset, start by paying attention to your thoughts throughout the day. Notice what situations you find yourself in where you are dealing with challenges and try to pay attention to your thoughts in those moments.

What kind of thoughts are running through your mind?

When developing the mindset of a Perseverant, focus on how you feel during difficult moments in your life instead of focusing on the obstacles in front of you. Ask yourself how you can overcome these challenges or why they exist in your life for now.

What is one positive thing about these situations? Think about how much harder it would be if these struggles weren’t happening and try to remind yourself of that when experiencing hardship.

In addition to being aware of what types of thoughts are running through your head during challenging times, also make sure that you cultivate a general sense of optimism. These two steps will help with developing a perseverance mindset because they both help to combat negative thinking.

Make sure that when things get tough, you don’t give up just yet! After all, there will always be another obstacle waiting for you out there somewhere!

Here are a few areas you can focus on: – Focus on the long term – Celebrate small wins – Find meaning in your struggles – Create strategies to overcome hurdles – Accept rejection and failure as a normal part of life.

5 Strategies to Help You Persevere Through Tough Times

1. Focus on the Long-Term

By focusing on your desired future state, you can take a more strategic approach to decision-making and avoid the pitfalls of short-term thinking. By considering your ultimate goal and how you will get there, you can find the best path to success in any situation.

The best way to think about the future state is to imagine a detailed scene in your mind. What does your desired future state look like? What does it feel like? What happens in this state? How do the people around you react? What do you hear? What do you smell? There are no right or wrong answers here. The most important thing is that you are honest with yourself. If you want to lose weight, imagine a detailed scene of a beach. If you want to earn more money, imagine a detailed scene of what it would feel like to have more in your bank account.

2. Celebrate Small Wins

Celebrating your small wins can be a great way to boost your self-confidence, motivate you to keep going, and help you to look at mistakes as a learning experience. When you make mistakes, it’s easy to let yourself get down on yourself and feel like a failure. When you celebrate your small wins, you’re able to acknowledge your progress towards your goals while simultaneously learning from your mistakes.

3. Find Meaning in Your Struggle

Sometimes we’re faced with situations that don’t seem like they’re worth the struggle. We may feel like giving up or just accepting that things aren’t meant to be. However, you have to remember that we often learn the most through our struggles. Instead of looking for a way to avoid the situation, try looking for a way to learn from it. You may not understand what you’re supposed to get out of it at the time, but things happen for a reason.

4. Create Strategies to Overcome Hurdles

We all have different hurdles to jump through on the road to success. Some people have disabilities or disorders that make it more difficult to succeed. Others may have financial struggles holding them back. The best way to overcome these hurdles is to create a strategy for doing so. For example, if you have a disability, you can work with an organization or group that provides services for people with disabilities. If you have financial struggles, you can look for ways to increase your income. No matter what your particular struggles are, there are ways to overcome them if you put your mind to it.

5. Accept rejection and failure as a normal part of life

Failure and rejection can trigger a range of emotions, such as anger, sadness, frustration, shame, or fear. These emotions are natural and valid, and you should not suppress or ignore them. Instead, acknowledge them and allow yourself to feel them fully. Give yourself time to succeed and don’t expect to get it right first time. Often, you’re going to take a few wrong turns before you work out the right turn. This is a biggie so we are going to discuss it in more depth.

The first step to dealing with failure is to acknowledge and accept your emotions.

The second step to dealing with failure is to learn from your feedback. Rather view this as an opportunity to improve your skills, knowledge, and approach. By learning from your feedback, you are turning failure into growth and development.

The third step to dealing with failure is to reframe your mindset. Adopt a positive and optimistic attitude that focuses on the possibilities and opportunities ahead. Remind yourself of your goals, values, and achievements, and celebrate your wins. A common realization is the fear of being rejected is worse than the rejection itself. Use these steps to overcome this.

The fourth step to dealing with failure is to reconnect with your purpose. Don’t lose sight of why you start your own business or what you are passionate about. Instead, reconnect with your ultimate goal, vision, and core values, and how they align with your business. Think about how you are helping your customers, solving their problems, or making a difference in their lives. Find meaning and fulfillment in your work, and use it to inspire and motivate yourself and others. By reconnecting with your purpose, you are reinforcing your desired future and commitment to your business.

The fifth step to dealing with failure is to recharge your energy. Don’t burn yourself out or neglect your physical, mental, or emotional well-being. Instead, take care of yourself and your needs, and balance your work and life. Make time for rest, relaxation, and fun, and do things that energize and rejuvenate you. Eat well, exercise, sleep, meditate, or practice any other self-care activities that work for you. Seek support from your family, friends, or peers, and share your challenges and successes with them. By recharging your energy, you are restoring your resilience and strength to overcome rejection and failure.

The final step to dealing with failure is to reengage with your action. Don’t give up or lose hope or momentum. Instead, get back on track and take action towards your goals and targets. Plan your next steps, prioritize your tasks, and execute your strategies. Follow up with your prospects, nurture your relationships, and close your deals. Seek new opportunities, challenge yourself, and stretch your limits. By reengaging with your action, you are showing your determination and persistence to succeed with your business.

Understand the Importance of Self-Talk

Self-talk refers to the inner dialogue that takes place within your head as a result of your thoughts and actions. When you have negative thoughts, it is important that you talk to yourself positively. This will help improve self-confidence and support your progress towards achieving a goal or desire. When talking positively to yourself, focus on reinforcing the desired outcome while ignoring any other distractions, such as negative self-talk or lack of motivation. One way to do this is by focusing on the end result rather than the process of achieving it. In other words, instead of saying “I want to be able to run three miles without stopping” say “I want to be able to run three miles without stopping in an hour”. This will not only help you achieve your goal faster but also allow for more time for other tasks, like training for a race or working out.

Exercise Helps build Confidence

Consciously practicing positive thinking increases your confidence level and self-esteem. The best way to do this is through exercise. Exercise creates a stronger mind-body connection, which helps you feel better about yourself. It also increases the size of certain regions in your brain, such as the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), an area that deals with mood and anxiety. Consistent exercise will help to strengthen this region so that it can handle stress more easily and create new cells in the hippocampus, which are responsible for learning new skills and getting rid of bad habits. Exercise also releases endorphins into the body – hormones that make you feel good – and they have been known to reduce performance anxiety. This means that even if you’re feeling stressed out or anxious about exercising, you will still benefit from the benefits of exercise without any cognitive side effects. If you want to maximize your success using the power of the subconscious mind, then all you need to do is start exercising regularly.

Understand the Power of Thought

It is important to understand the power of thought. It’s not just a power that you can wield consciously. When you start to give your subconscious mind more control over your thoughts, actions and feelings, it starts to operate on an unconscious level without any conscious effort being made, whether good or bad. The key here is awareness. The first step in achieving success with the power of the subconscious mind is becoming aware of what you’re doing and how it’s working for you. Once this happens, your new habits will be easily incorporated into your everyday life so much so that they become automatic and habitual.

Develop a Positive Vision

The power of the subconscious can be leveraged with one simple task: developing a positive vision. In order to achieve this, you should first create a vision for yourself that is empowering and compelling. This vision should be something that you have constantly in mind throughout your day. You can do this by focusing on a positive affirmation such as ‘I am confident’ or ‘I am worthy’. Next, envision yourself achieving this goal and executing it flawlessly. Visualizing achieving your goals will also increase optimism, which in turn increases performance. Lastly, see and feel yourself doing this repeatedly until it becomes second nature to you and you are able to accomplish it effortlessly without even thinking about it anymore.

Stick to your Goals

You can use the power of the subconscious mind to increase your success by using the positive thinking process. This is done by consistently visualizing yourself achieving your goals. You can also use this process by becoming aware of repetitive patterns in your thoughts and behavior that may be preventing you from achieving your goals. When you are aware of these negative thought processes, you can take steps to turn them around into something positive. To do this, you need to focus on implementing new patterns and habits that will help you achieve these goals. Developing a habit takes time, but it is worth it because once it’s established, it will become second nature and allow for continuous success

Bottom line

For those who are committed to the idea of succeeding in their goals, perseverance is a mindset that will lead to success. Success is something that’s not easy to achieve. It’s hard work and requires a lot of time, effort, and dedication. But the work is worth it when you reach the goals you’ve set for yourself on the path toward your desired future.

Success is not going to happen overnight, so take it one milestone at a time.

After reading this step, you should now have a better understanding of how a perseverance mindset helps individuals overcome obstacles.

It is recommended to write, it’s important to start journaling. This is where you’ll find your voice, get your ideas out, and get your creativity flowing. It gives you perspective and reduces overwhelm. It’s a good idea to start out with a simple structure so that you don’t get discouraged. Once you start writing, don’t forget that writing is how you communicate. What do you want your readers to know? What do you want them to feel? How can you make your writing more impactful?

Perseverance is a constantly active process and not just a one-time thing. It is a daily habit that you must cultivate and keep at it to reap the most benefits. It’s your slight edge that will make all the difference.

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